Dial a Poem

Dial a Poem is an homage to and adaptation of John Giorno’s eponymous 1960s/70s project.


In John Giorno’s 1960s/70s work Dial-a-Poem, you could call a phone line and any one of a selection of recorded poems and music would be played for you, from the likes of Allen Giinsburg, Patti Smith, Joe Brainard, Frank O’Hara, John Cage, Amira Biraka, and many others. The late ’60s were their own historic era of social upheaval and transformation; in the midst of another upheaval, we are launching our own phone service – this time for societies grieving the pain of isolation, separation, ad distance. The idea behind Dial-a-Poem 2.0 2.0 is pretty simple: you dial a number, and a recorded voice shares a moment of art with you. In a twist on Giorno’s model, the Dial-a-Poem 2.0 2.0 readers have selected pieces they didn’t author, but are dear to them in other ways.


Pioneer Works Broadcast (supported by Simons Sandbox)